I intend to start blogging about meals made using homegrown or locally produced ingredients, especially when summer arrives and along with it (hopefully) its bounty of veggies. Tonight, I made a rather interesting conglomeration: a stir-fryish medley of sorts using several homegrown components.
2 cups broccoli florets (grown by Jeremy at the Farm)
1 small cabbage (grown by Jeremy at the Farm)
2 kohlrabi (grown in the backyard)
2 green onions (grown in the front yard)
2 boneless chicken breasts (I feel bad about this, since they were processed and industrial, but they were on sale and cheap. This could have easily been a vegetarian meal.)
1/2 package maifun (rice noodles)
1/2 bottle Thai chili peanut sauce
I pan fried the chicken in olive oil until partially done and then added the veggies, simmering all the ingredients in the sauce, and then mixed in softened rice noodles. We had oven-baked sweet potato fries on the side (coated with olive oil, salt and pepper, baked 20 minutes). Note to self: make these more often. Unfortunately the taters were from the store, but we hope next year they won't be.
This was pretty delicious for something so impromptu (I am not good at planning meals or following recipes). We had tried kohlrabi raw in salad and it was just blah, but simmered in the sauce it was tender and sweet.
